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IF you want to be an actor, 

THEN you need to begin somewhere.

IF you have talent and professional promise, 

THEN getting off on the right foot is essential.

IF you understand there are no shortcuts and are ready to train, 

THEN you need an artistic home where you can develop your gifts.

The Start Acting classes at The Freeman Studio are designed to give beginning and early-career actors a defined and reliable technique that will serve and sustain them for a long career in film, in television, and on stage.

In every step along the way, our governing aesthetic is to treat actors with the respect they deserve as creative artists. 

Because the work is prescriptive, class size is limited to ensure maximum personal attention.


"In all artistic disciplines, the creative artist must learn the fundamentals. Musicians have their etudes. Dancers have their five positions.

Actors need to know their basic technique too. For without it, they will flounder throughout their career, if indeed they ever obtain one."

-Scott Freeman

The Freeman Studio - "A Place for Actors"


We have earned a reputation as one of the premier acting studios in New York and nationally. Our actors work regularly in film, television, and on stage.

We provide a strong peer group level and an environment respectful of the needs of creative artists, in an atmosphere where actors can create freely.

But at the end of the day, what matters most is what happens between the teachers and the actors.


Our faculty possesses a collective knowledge and expertise that enables them to achieve rare quality and results.

Beginning and early-career classes are not delegated to novice teachers.

Some of the same teachers who teach the advanced and master classes will teach the Start Acting classes, including the Head of the Studio, Scott Freeman.


Scott Freeman’s “Ten Points”, which are derived from fundamental Stanislavskian principles, provide the basic foundation for the Start Acting classes. While every actor must be a thinking artist, the emphasis is on making theory active. Therefore, basic concepts such as objective, obstacle, action, etc. will be taught so that the actor understands them, not just intellectually, but more importantly, viscerally.

The classes will consist of a series of exercises, leading to scene work, where all the lessons will be applied. Therefore, the majority of the time will be focused on actors working with scripts. 


Once actors complete the Starting Acting course, they are eligible to enroll in our NEXT LEVEL Intermediate class.

Once actors complete the Next Level course, they are eligible for our on-going scene study classeson-camera classes & workshops.
These classes are more vocationally minded and focus on the practical realities of being on set or in rehearsal, as well as auditioning.


An audition is required to be admitted into a class.


Once an actor schedules an appointment, material will be provided, if needed, and will be given ample time to prepare it. Actors are welcome to present a piece they select themselves.


It is not necessary for an actor applying to us to have previous training or acting experience.

It is important that they show both professional promise and commitment.

A strong peer level is essential to individual growth.

As we are investing in actors’ careers, class size is small to maximize personal attention.

To inquire and/or apply, please contact us.


Class will meet once a week for eight weeks. You may request the day/time that best suits your schedule.

Class Times listed in EST

Saturdays 10am to 1:30pm

Next Cycle:

April 26th


Total cost for the eight-week experience: $698

(payment plans available!)

*Schedule & instructor subject to change prior to the opening of enrollment for a particular session.

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